Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Begins

There's an interesting feeling in our residential market these days. And what seems to be the problem? What I've observed is that the product in great shape and location goes almost as quickly as it hits the market. We still have buyers walking in and offering all cash.

And then we just encountered a buyer - HELLO FIRST TIME IN MANHATTAN - saying, "I think the market is going to come down so I will wait." Boy if I had a dollar for every time I've heard that statement since 2002...

But there are some facts to consider.

Our conforming loan limits have raised. But they are only good until the end of the year. The mortgage/loan rates are excellent. If you believe you are in a home too large, I say you should sell and downsize now. If you are in need of a larger home - the same is true. But you need to think about staying where you are for about five years.

Why listen to me? I've only been doing this business for 25 years...but don't just take my word for it. Here's Barbara Corcoran on the topic.
You will find this posted on MSNBC's website.

She states:

Waiting for prices to come down.

As smart as you think you are, you cannot sharpshoot the real estate market. You never know when the best time is. Prices ebb and flow, and occasionally, like right now, they go down a lot. Nobody knows when the tide will turn, and based on historic data it always inevitably does. The best you can do is buy within the low and we're definitely in the low right now.

You also need to keep the interest rates in mind. If you wait for prices to come down by 10%, and interest rates go up by a half a point, your monthly payments will be the same. (Emphasis added). Historically speaking this also makes now a good time to buy. The people I would advise not to buy right now are those who don’t plan to stay in their homes for very long. If, however, you are ready to make a long-term commitment, now is as good a time as any to buy a home.

So, here we are moving quickly into April with the chill still in the air. Have a blessed holiday.

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